Asset loan

It is a normal loan between a lender and a borrower for the puchase of an asset

Almasi Financial Services Ltd will retain substantially all the risks and rewards relating to the ownership of the asset

How does Asset Loan Agreement work

  • In an asset loan structure, the lender finances the purchase of the asset by the borrower in accordance with the terms of a loan agreement

  • The client/borrower takes title to and ownership of the asset upon inception of the transaction with a lien registered in favour of the lender (Almasi)

  • Upon completion of repayment of loan instalments, the lien is removed and the asset ownership is free of liens and can be disposed of whether for liquidity or replacement, according to the client’s requirement with full ownership of proceeds

Benefits of entering into an asset loan agreement with us:

  • Greater flexibility to your company as you can replace equipment more often
  • Entitlement to the manufacturer’s warranties and after sales services
  • Deductibility of loan interest for tax purposes

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